Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Process of Beauty

When I was a little girl I remember my grandmother applying her lotion on just before she went to bed and then I would go into her bathroom and apply it on when she wasn't looking. She would first apply it on her nose, forehead, cheeks and then chin. She would always say "Mija, recuerde que debes a aplicar lo hasta ariba." Translation "Sweetie, remember to always apply it on while moving your hands up your face". She said this because it would supposedly lessen your chance of wrinkles. To this day I continue to apply my lotion the same way my grandmother did.

However it makes you think...old ladies have their own remedies of becoming beautiful...but what are mine? Mine are simple, wear as little makeup as possible so your face is clean and clear all the time. Therefor, when you do try a little bit harder for a date, wedding or dance people will notice, in a positive way of course. (Plus natural beauty is always better). Obviously the world doesn't involve around me, so what about others beauty process or remedies...

Concept Board Constructed by Elena Rodriguez, Images taken from various sites.

This would make an excellent concept for photo-shoot wink wink ;) . 
Remember latina's always do it best.

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