Monday, October 11, 2010

Your Creative Spirit

As my first entry I wish to talk about some things that have inspired me, not only for this blog but for my creative process as well. I would like to start off by talking about creativity. Imagine growing up and not ever being able to “play” as a kid? I am assuming most of you may be having a hard time imagining it. What some of us may not realize is that this so called “play” time is the time when the child’s imagination and creativity will begin to grow. There once was a study done by GH Mead that analyzed different stages that a child goes through, also known as the Cognitive Stages. With in these stages there was one called the “Play Stage” (ages 3-7). It is this stage that the child is just beginning to learn about self objectification and reflexive thinking. It is also the time that a child will begin to “play” around and experiment. This so called playing around is just the door that is connecting you from the social norms all the way to the creativity world.  I myself was extremely blessed to have had parents that embraced my creativity while growing up. I was involved in theater, musical theater as well as music. If it wasn’t for my so called “play” time where I was known to have always busted out into some random “operatic” song, I don’t think I would have actually found my creativity to be of any use. Now I am fully aware of what value it may have for not only myself but for some amazing artist such as Meryl Streep, Penelope Cruz, Isaac Mizrahi and Oscar de la Renta.
As you may have noticed this blog is called “With Latina Flavor”. And I have chosen to call it this because I do feel that this is what has and will always make me stand out in the world. I am a creative Latina and will forever be one! I will end this night with a quote said by Penelope Cruz during her 2009 Oscar winning acceptance speech; “Because Art in any form is and has been and will always be our universal language. And we should do everything we can to protect its survival!”

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